
Thursday 12 August 2021

woman's suffrage

 Hello readers,

This blog is about woman's suffrage, back in the day woman weren't allowed to vote but when Kate Sheppard felt the need to say something about woman's suffrage and woman being able to vote.

1. The Maori could vote in the 1860s

2.people thought women couldn't vote because they had to clean up the house and do all the cooking

3.drinking their wages means they are using all the money on alcohol

4.give them food

Thank you for reading

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sean

    Thanks for sharing your work. It is important that you either:
    1) include the question so we know what your answers mean
    or 2) answer your questions in full sentences so we know more about what you are explaining.

    It is difficult to understand what some of your answers mean, ex) who are you giving food to in question 4?

    - Miss Birtch


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