
Monday 30 August 2021

100 word count

Hello readers,

This blog post is about 100 word count. 100 word count helps you with your writing and reading.

Here is my work

The Penguin 

Every night at my house I hear a growling  and chirping. I know the chirping isn't birds because they go to sleep at night. And I know it's not my dog because he's on my bed. I wonder what happens outside my window every single night. Maybe it's a lost baby bird all Scared And lost trying to find it's way home in the morning when I woke up I went outside to see what was happening last night I found a little penguin sculpture. The small sculpture thing is the size of my hand. The next night I heard chirping from underneath my desk. I went over to see what it was and it was that little hand-sized penguin.I wondered if this bird came to life like on Night at the Museum. It was because once I fell asleep and woke up the next morning the bird turned into a stone statue. But last night It stayed as a statue

If you liked this post/story please leave a comment
Thank you for reading. bye


  1. Hi Sean

    Another awesome and descriptive 100 Word Challenge! And great job remembering to format your story correcting. I like the descriptions you use, showing us the size of the bird by comparing it to the size of your hand!

    Do you enjoy the 100 Word Challenges?

    - Miss Birtch

  2. Hi Ms Birtch,

    I've read your comment thank you for giving a comment,
    I do engoy 100 word challenges



To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.