
Wednesday 18 August 2021

The Adventures of Cruller and Theodore

 Hello readers,

This blog is about The Adventures of Cruller and Theodore.

The Adventures of Cruller and Theodore 

My best mate's name is Cruller & he’s a dragon. Me & My dragon

dive-bomb Vikings with his spikes & fire breath. Me and Cruller stumbled across

an old abandoned house. When we went into the house, We found white court stairs

and went down. It was really dark and Cruller put his fire on the torch’s all the way down the chamber.

At the end of the long hallway we found a gold artefact that sort of looked like a hand. I picked it up and

the whole cabin started moving and shaking. Then just as we were about to get crushed by a boulder

someone smashed the boulder and then ran away. We Wanted to catch up to the Mysterious person

but was too fast to catch up to. When we found the way out the entrance was blocked And we needed

to get out badly because we were starting to get hungry. I looked around the cave and saw a hole in the

ceiling. If we were going to get out it would be through the hole in the ceiling. Cruller burnt the hole bigger

until he could fit through When we got out we all had some food. We gave the artefact to the museum

and And did some more dive-bombing.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sean

    Great to see you working on some writing at home. I am keen to read your story but it is running off the page! Can you have another look at this post and make sure your writing is formatted correctly?

    - Miss Birtch


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