
Thursday, 30 September 2021

hokey pokey making

 Hello readers,

This blog post is about making hokey pokey, We got the final result for it and it tasted great and looked good.

Here are the pictures

Thank you for reading

Friday, 24 September 2021

refletion time

Hello readers,

This blog is about reflection time, Reflection time includes our c.a.r.r values commitment achievement resilience and respect. 

Commitment: What I did for this was leaned more into drama and maths.

Achievement: This was the hardest one to think about this year I finished most of my work and I feel that is a pretty good achievement.

Resilience: When I was doing my work it was hard to do and or understand but I kept going.

Respect: When I was doing my work I didn't argue or through things around

my goal for next week is finishing all the days work in that day

Thank you for reading this long as blog post.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

art stuff

Hello readers,

This blog post is about art the art that i am doing now is drawing and copying and coloring and copying and doing it again 

This is my art work

Thank you for reading

Friday, 17 September 2021

Tongan work


This blog is about my word search.

Here is my word search.

Thank you for reading

Thursday, 16 September 2021

litmus paper

 Hello readers,

This blog is about litmus and ph levels

Litmus is a tree fungi and is made into small paper strips or a liquid for testing acids or alkalines.

  1. Blue Litmus paper determines if something is acidic.

  2. It turns red in solutions with a pH less than 7.

  3. Red Litmus paper determines if something is alkaline.

  4. It turns blue in solutions with a pH greater than 7.

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

lolly flavour mystery test


i think it will be easy to find the taste. we have to do this blindfolded

Lolly Flavour

Lolly Colour

Does the sour taste

mask the flavour?

Rating 1-5















Sort of






the orange was the easiest to taste

It was easy to taste the flavour and this was the best experience ever (for lollies).

Thank you for reading


Hello readers, 

Baking soda cleaning

10. rub away scuff marks

9. Body smells

8. Clean sink

7. Clean foors

6. Cleaner

5. Cat litter

4.oven cleaner

3.remove hair gunk

2.clean carpet

1.clean laundry

making sherbet

1 tsp of power drink crystals

1/4 tsp citric acid

1/2 tsp icing sugar

1/4 tsp baking soda







how does Sherbet react when you put it in your mouth?
when you put Sherbet in your mouth it starts to fizz up
after a while it tastes weird.

Thank you for reading


 Hello readers,

This blog is about parihaka. parihaka is a place in New Zealand that a Maori tribe lived many years ago.

who: the two main people in parihaka were Tohu Kakahi & Te Whiti.

where: tohu and te whiti wanted peace in parihaka.

what: the troopes pulled out the pegs and fences

when: happpend on 5th november 1881 

Parihaka: the first step to improving Maori & Pakeha relations? | The  Morgan Foundation

Thank you for reading

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

maori language week

Hello readers,

This blog is about my Maori poster. This Maori poster includes emoji's and what they mean

first up we have the red emoji Puku Atu this meanes riri

number 2 is the vomitting emoji mauiui this means sick

third is the long faced emoji muia ana that means fed up

last but not leased drum roll please bbbbbbbb b koa  jugging by the look on his face i'd say, you guest it he is happy

Thank you for reading this amazing blog post

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Hello readers,

This blog is about my reading tasks.

Answer these questions on your blog: 

What was Aunty Anna’s job? 


Why did Maia want a magic wand? 

she wanted to show her family her tricks

What did the magic wand look like? 

red boxy slim

Why was Maia disappointed? 

she got a magnetic wand insted 

What happened to Amber the dog and the wand? 

The magnet wand stuck to his collar

At the end of the story, Maia is happy with her present, why does she like it now? 

she used it to get her brothers toys back from under the fridge

Thank you for reading bye!

100 word challenge

 Hello readers,

This blog is about 100 word challenge.






Elf / sindarin






Elf / Quenya / English



Elf / Quenya / English



Dragon / English

As the elves marched toward their homes and tree bases down under the crust of

middle earth. Back in Hobbiton Fosco and his town were migrating to Tower Hills to

make a new town there since the orcs were being dummies and crashed their horses into

Hobbits and houses. Photo Head told Sílorian what the orcs had done and told them to

migrate to Tower Hills. Sílorian had been Crusading across the map and when he

found Tower Hills he thought it was beautiful there. Sílorian also said that there was an

elf Village called grey havens. When the town got to Tower Hills they started building their

huts in the hills as they did in Hobbiton, everything was on fire and there were gross orcs

there, Sílorian and Fosco went on an adventure to Grey havens to meet the elves.

Sílorian lived in Rivendell; he never knew there were more elves. He spoke Sindarin;

the elves that lived in grey havens spoke Quenya. Before the hobbits moved to Tower Hills,

something from the old Forest came to the houses at night and stole thing's like food and

gold. What they didn't know was that people who were stealing all their gold and food were

the orcs. They needed help from elves and wizards but all the Wizards were on the east

side of the map. The orcs were getting all of the gold and food for Riarizzar the dragon of

earth. Silorian had experience spying and hiding in plain sight but not hiding behind trees

or in the leaves; he was good at it anyway.

Thank you for reading.bye!

binary code :<)

Hello readers,

This blog is about coding in today's coding my coding teacher has set me a binary name code i was supposed to spell my name in binary code and i did it took me like 2 minutes to do it was easy.

Here is the binary code image.

My name is spelled Sean if you look on the picture the letters go from A to Z here is the two minute work i did.

Thank you for reading.