
Tuesday 22 September 2020

My Student Summit Experience

Hello my exotic readers,

I went to the students Summit. You are probably wondering what student Summit is, well student Summit is a place where you get to share a learning app in front people from different schools.

My partner thought it was not good but I thought it was amazing. I had one rotation it was the second session but there were four sessions, I had to wait one session for me to do my presentation.

Thank you for reading this blog post hope you have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Sean!
    This is a quality blog post. I like how you described about the student summit. I think that you and your group have explained how to use Storyboard that really well. It makes me want to make one now.
    I'm curious to know what your favourite part of the summit was?
    I look forward to hearing back from you.


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