
Thursday 20 August 2020

what happens to you when you exercise

Good morning and welcome to my new blog post,

Today I will be telling you what happens when you exercise,

When you exercise your heart pumps blood and air throughout the body,

This is my video about what happens when you exercise

Thank you for reading this blog post have a nice week


  1. Hello Sean.
    I have not long finished my 45 minutes of exercise.I used my bike and did some weights.
    I think our brain looks like a walnut.Do you think it's about the same size as one?.

    1. Hi Miss Cassidy,
      good job at finishing your 45 minutes of exercise,I would have probably used my bike too, I don't think it's the size of a walnut but I do think it is as big as two fists.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog I hope you have a nice week


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