
Monday 14 December 2020



I did some really nice art on my computer

Art coloring book

click on this link if you want to do some colouring in on your chromebook computer I phone or tablet

here is my Statue of Liberty

thank you for reading my blog post, and looking at my statue.


  1. Kia Ora Sean,

    My name is Shannon, and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey

    I really like your recolouring of the Statue of Liberty painting! I think the colour of the sky that you’ve chosen enhances the fine lines of the statue itself quite nicely. It makes it look more powerful and bluer rather than green. I also like that you’ve included contrasting colours in the background of your post to make the pictures pop! Isn’t it amazing how many different colours appear in the sky everyday. Black, blue, pink, yellow, white, orange! What’s your favourite type of sky?

    Have you ever been to America and seen the Statue of Liberty. If so, what was it like? If not, would you like to go to America, or would you prefer to go someplace else?

    Have you considered increasing the size of your text to make it easier to see for your readers? It might entice more people to view your blog!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

  2. Hello Sean.
    It looks like this is a fun and easy task to do.Did it take you long to complete?.
    I think the idea of this art piece is to change it to what you want it to look like.You don't need to colour it exactly the same.
    I'm glad that you couldn't find the same colour as then,this becomes your art work.
    Have a great holiday.

  3. Good morning Sean.
    I just thought I would check your blog to see if you had completed any more of the SLJ.

    How are your holidays going?.
    Have you been doing anything interesting?.
    Samantha and I are hoping to go to Willowbank tomorrow to feed the lemurs.


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.