
Thursday 14 June 2018

the cool dragons cadet

Hi my name is Sean. Welcome to my new post. I have been writing about a dragon  called Spiky. i have been learning  to write.
 I am proud of myself because I wrote it all right.
 I did this in my free writing time. 
My favourite part was when i scared off the tiger. 
 Once upon a time there were 7 ninja dragons. 1 of the dragons was called Spiky. I liked him most. He nearly blew my face off because he had really stinky firey breath.

Spiky was a prince. His parents abandoned him. Then I found him. He looked sad when a tiger, a big tiger, tried to eat him so I beat the tiger up. It ran away. Then I took him home.

One night the tiger tried to eat him again. Then I told him to stand up for himself. He did. I was proud of him. He stood up to the tiger, and that was the end of the tiger.
Spiky became a ninja. He created a new world. I thought that was cool. He gave me healing powers. I can heal animals, people and plants.


  1. Hi Sean
    I really like Spiky the dragon. You have used some great adjectives to describe Spiky's breath. I especially like 'stinky'. I felt a little bit sorry for Spiky when the tiger kept picking on him, I'm glad you came up with an idea for Spiky to look after himself.
    Does Spiky have a name for his new world?
    Keep up with your great stories and I look forward to seeing more blogs

    1. the new world is could spiky

    2. Great name for a world, but I think a name of a world needs something special............... What do you think it might be?

  2. Hi Sean. I enjoyed reading your story. I like it when stories are made up. It gives you the chance to be so creative with your words. If we met Spiky, would we have to call him 'Prince' Spiky and curtsy to him? I look forward to more of your stories.


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